
Download 007 io interactive
Download 007 io interactive

“It’s true that once in a while, the stars do align in our industry,” said Hakan Abrak, CEO of IO Interactive, “Creating an original Bond game is a monumental undertaking and I truly believe that IO Interactive, working closely with our creative partners at EON and MGM, can deliver something extremely special for our players and communities. IO Interactive ( Hitman), in collaboration with MGM, EON Productions and Delphi announced today that they are developing the very first James Bond origin story with the working title Project 007. Project 007 will feature a wholly original Bond story exclusively as a video game.

download 007 io interactive

James Bond will once again be coming to a console and computer screen near you. News New James Bond Video Game Announced IO Interactive is currently developing Project 007 (Working Title)

Download 007 io interactive